
Products Home

Hot Wire Foam Factory DVDs & Patterns

DVDS & Patterns

Hot Wire Foam Factory Craft Kits

Crafters Kits

Hot Wire Foam Factory Professional Tool Kits

Pro Kits

Hot Wire Foam Factory Foam Coat System

Foam, Glue & Coatings

Hot Wire Foam Factory 3D Scroll Table

3D Scroll Kits

Cosplay, Cons & Gaming

With Hotwire foam factory's tools and foam coatings we enable our artists to create realistic props, replicas and model terrain for Conventions, miniturized gaming and Cosplay


Miniature Gaming

foam castle foam dday foam dungeon foam wargames foam battletech

Cosplay, Conventions and Props

Cosplay foam cannon propFoam Cosplay setFoam Cosplay wings

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