Crafters Original Scroll Table Kit - #K03


Market Price: $84.85
SKU: K03
Weight: 4.00 lbs

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Crafters Scroll Table Kit

Fast accurate foam cutting made easy!

The go-to hot wire foam cutting table for making styrofoam models, 3D foam letters, numbers, signs, cylinders, cones, cake dummies, custom styrofoam shapes and more. Get ultimate control and unmatched precision with the sturdy base and fine cutting wire. Reposition the foam cutter table arm to make angled cuts and beveled edges on modeling foam or cut sharp, 90 degree angles on styrofoam sign letters. 

Available Accessories: Traveling Fence Kit Jumper Cable

Need even more speed?
Buy our Pro Hot Wire Scroll Table Kit with a Pro Power Station and thicker cutting wire

For a comparison of Scroll tables, click here

To see foam projects made using this tool, click here.


  • Scroll Table

  • Single-Temperature Crafters Power Supply (220 volt input available)

  • Four cutting wires

  • 85 minute Hot Wire Foam Factory DVD

  • Printed Instructions



  • 10 feet of power cord

  • Starts cutting immediately

  • Cuts continuously without overheating

  • A simple adjustment allows you to make angle cuts

  • Made with care in the USA


Used For:

  • Cutting Styrofoam, white beaded EPS and extruded XPS foam

  • Accurate straight edges, strips, angles, curves, cylinders, cones, etc.

  • Letters and numbers for signs and displays

  • Art and craft projects

  • Basic architectural models and elements

  • Stone walls

To see foam projects made using this tool, click here.


Tech Specs:

  • The cutting wires will last indefinitely if you let the heat do the cutting

  • Easy user replaceable cutting wires

  • 12” x 14” tabletop

  • 9” clearance from cutting wire to back of table

  • 9.75” high cut

  • Made of thick industrial strength ABS to last a lifetime

  • The length of the cut is unlimited.

  • When bought with the Multi-Heat or Variable-Heat Pro Power Stations a thicker, faster-cutting cutting wire can be used




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Customer Reviews

Pauline, 11-16-2014

I’m happy to share some of my picture from my recently project….I have design and created a 21st key centrepiece for my cousin’s 21st birthday party… Everyone comment on how pretty it is…thumbs up for the Scroll Table Cutting….i have attached some pictures.
Many thanks
Pauline, NZ

Ken Shirley/Professional Display Artist and Teacher, Tulsa, OK , 04-14-2012

The scroll table provides detailed precision cuts that defy imagination…

Nancy Moral, 04-19-2017

It's so great to have a high quality set of tools to get your creative work done!

Bobby Harpoon, 01-11-2014

I can not rate this product as high as other have before me. The big draw back to me is setting the wire in a prefect 90 degree angle to the work surface of the table. I could get it 90 degree in the direct foward position. But if a needed to change diection of cut. Required when cutting some thing larger then the length of the table. It would always have a slight angle. No matter how much effort I put into try to get the wire straight vertical. It is a good tool for cutter with something clamped to the table surface as a fence. Helps to get the strightest line cuts possible with the crafting tools.

Shaina Moral, 03-12-2015

Amazing precision! I do all of my really detailed cuts with this table. The control you have is INSANE.

William Kerry, 02-20-2019

The crafters scroll table was the perfect solution to my problem. Provides nice even heat and is easy to set up for cutting multiple angles. Fast friendly service. Definitely recommended.

AlasCon, 01-04-2022

I had high hopes to use this for my model railroading but am not as happy as I thought I would be. I find it difficult to set up the wire exactly perpendicular in both directions, and the fence keeps moving no matter how tight I turn the nuts. Messed up several pieces of foam, alas, and am falling back on my old system of using a heavy ruler and handheld wire cutter from Woodland Scenics :-(
